Nepomuk and plasma-desktop are driving me crazy on my home machine.
They randomly steal 100% of one of my CPUs and make my fan work
overtime. As a result, I've switched to Xfce. There's a bit of a
learning curve, but it's not Unity and it's really snappy. I'm
thinking of making the switch at school, too.

I have decided *not* to upgrade to 13.04. It's only supported through
January of next year, so you're basically committing to upgrading at
the new year, whereas 12.04 is a Long-Term Support version, so you'll
get package updates for quite a while. When I started using Ubuntu at
school, I upgraded every six months. Now I upgrade every other summer
or so, when new LTS versions come out.

I probably don't have to say this in this crowd, but it's really
helpful to put your /home directory in a separate partition from
everything else. That way you can upgrade your OS without ever
touching the partition that your data is on.

At school, I use a naming system that is first initial, up to seven
letters of last name, last two years of expected graduation. I can
usually remember which grade students are in, and it's easy to clean
out the graduates over the summer.

On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 4:22 PM, David Burleigh <> wrote:
> I set up my prototype computer lab based on Ubuntu 12.04, and it's working
> fine, but I prefer the KDE desktop. I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who has
> tried it. My main concern is the overhead of Nepomuk & Akonadi, which I
> suppose I could just disable. Also, how is 13.04 compared to 12.04 as a stable
> platform for LTSP?
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