Just chroot into the ltsp directory and "apt-get purge" all you do not need.
I "apt-get purge" ubuntu-one and apport and apparmor for example every 
time I set up a new system.
Am 15.09.2013 17:16, schrieb Vinícius Ferrão:
> Hello,
> I would like to set up an LTSP infrastructure using Fat Clients with 
> only a minimal package installation.
> Which means: no X, no graphical environment, no GNOME or whatever else.
> It's just an experiment that I'm doing. But when I try to create an 
> Fat Image, it always brings the Desktop Environment.
> Thanks in advance,
> *Vinícius Ferrão*: Administrador de Sistemas
> www.ferrao.eti.br <http://www.ferrao.eti.br> | +55 (21) 8888-2619
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