I've configured ldap to support clients updating their own passwords,
so yes it's possible. You need to look at your ACLs on LDAP to make
sure users can update that field for themselves. It's been several
years since I did this but I can tell you without question it can be


I googled around for a minute and found this post that explains things
a bit. (I would suggest not using MD5 right now. Do lots of research
before choosing a password scheme, it will be vital to how your org

You can also mount /home over nfs, I've done this too. Remember to
sqash root and generally lock it down. NFS isn't very secure without
using kerb or something.

On Mon, 16 Sep 2013 21:42:05 -0400
"Todd O'Bryan" <toddobr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> When a user logs in on a fat client, that user's info is copied to the
> /etc/passwd file in the fat client's network filesystem.
> But, in order to allow users to change their passwords, I have set up
> LDAP in the fat client chroot, so now there seem to be two copies of a
> given user. When I go to the Users and Groups application in Xfce, it
> says the user is disabled. If I change the password, log out, and log
> back in, it's as if a brand new user has been created. What I think is
> happening (after wondering about this for a very long time) is that
> the new user is being created in the RAM file system on the client,
> because if I reboot the client, everything goes back to normal.
> And--weirdly enough--the password was changed in LDAP.
> Is there some way to *not* copy the user into the client's /etc/passwd
> and just mount the /home folder over NFS or something so that I don't
> have to deal with these strange occurrences?
> Thanks,
> Todd
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