Στις 23/01/2014 04:50 πμ, ο/η Graham Innes έγραψε:
> To solve this, I had someone write a script to issue a xrandr command
> based on the network MAC address of the machine (similarly to how
> lts.conf works, but this is executed AFTER login). This should work for
> both fat and thin clients (thin should use ltsp-localapps when running
> the script).
> I've posted it here:
> https://github.com/gdi2k/mac2xrandr

You could implement that script in less than 10 lines, if you wrote it 
as an LDM rc.d script that checked for lts.conf entries such as
XRANDR_COMMAND_0_alkisg="xrandr ----output DVI-0 --auto --output VGA-0 
--auto --above DVI-0"

In other words you didn't put the script in the appropriate place and 
that made it a lot more difficult than necessary.

That said, I think that gnome saves the user configuration per monitor 
in ~/.config/monitors.xml, so you should file a bug report for xfce to 
do the same.

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