On 02/05/2014 11:58 AM, Steffen Schaumburg wrote:
> Since the i7 (almost certainly) cannot have ECC memory I'd certainly
> think twice about using that for a server, or for anything else that's
> important for that matter. Google published a study into memory
> reliability and.. well, it's not pretty. And they tested server-grade
> ECC memory, which is presumably higher quality than non-ECC sticks... Go
> for Xeons, Opterons or AM2/3/3+ Athlon/Phenom with a suitable board
> (afaik only Asus) to get ECC support. The extra cost of ECC over non-ECC
> is almost nothing, but unfortunately Intel cripples the i* CPUs to
> remove this feature, so that you have to get a Xeon instead.

Yeah, good point.  All my servers are Phenom+Asus+ECC.  Honestly it is 
extremely rare (once I can think of) that it reported a corrected memory 
error but it's yet another thing that could go wrong if you don't have it.

Regarding reliability, I am not convinced that "server grade" parts are 
all they are cracked up to be.  By far the least reliable hard drives I 
have ever used were a batch of enterprise RE2s where 6 of 6 failed in 
less than 5 years, and all the warranty replacements also failed.  That 
is very anecdotal but does prove that buying "server" parts is no 
substitute for other disaster recovery measures.

I currently run only decent brand desktop-grade parts (plus ECC RAM) and 
use the left over money to buy standby hardware so I can quickly swap 
out anything that fails.  In the past 6 years or so that I have run LTSP 
servers I have yet to have a bad CPU, motherboard, or ECC RAM stick.  YMMV.


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