Στις 04/05/2014 09:11 μμ, ο/η asmo.koski...@arkki.info έγραψε:
>> I have tried to install Lubuntu 14.04 LTSP-PNP according to the
>> instructions. But client's do not log in to the desktop. They always
>> return to the login screen again, What should i do?
> I think I can confirm that with Lubuntu desktop. XFCE, Mate or Gnome
> Classic are just fine in very same fat client image.
> I tested Lubuntu 14.04 (LTSP-PNP) (both server and client) in Virtualbox.
> Best Regards Asmo Koskinen.

In LDM, select the xterm session and login to xterm.
Then, cat /usr/share/xsessions/lubuntu.desktop, and see the Exec line 
there, I don't know it off hand.

Then write that line in xterm, and check the error messages it produces.

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