On 13/08/14 14:38, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:
> On 2014-08-12, Michael Pope wrote:
>> I've setup LTSP-PNP on a Xubuntu 14.04 system and I'm up to the last
>> issue, which is my fat client cannot access the internet. What I mean by
>> that is I cannot ping an external IP address on a fat client.
> ...
>> Here are the routing tables
>> LTSP Server routing table
>> Destination  Gteway      Genmask  Flags  Metric  Ref  Use  Iface
>> default  UG          0    0    0  eth0
>>     *  U           0    0    0  eth0
>> LTSP fat client routing table
>> Destination  Gteway      Genmask  Flags  Metric  Ref  Use  Iface
>> default      server  UG          0    0    0  eth0
>>     *  U           0    0    0  eth0
> Your fat client is configured to route through the server, rather than
> your router, which is the default in dnsmasq if you don't specify the
> router.
> So, you either need to set up routing on your LTSP server, or better,
> configure DHCP to hand out as the gateway.
> The dnsmasq man page reads:
> --dhcp-option=[tag:<tag>,[tag:<tag>,]]...
>   Specify different or extra options to DHCP clients. By default,
>   dnsmasq sends some standard options to DHCP clients, the netmask and
>   broadcast address are set to the same as the host running dnsmasq, and
>   the DNS server and default route are set to the address of the machine
>   running dnsmasq.
> So, I think you want in /etc/dnsmasq.d/*.conf:
>   dhcp-option=3,
> (dhcp option 3 is gateway)
> live well,
>   vagrant

Thank you vagrant for all your help, that did the trick. Now my whole
system is working nicely.


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