Just install a template client and then run ltsp-pnp on it:

On 10/09/2015 01:12 μμ, Johan Kragsterman wrote:
> Hi!
> I have had this idea for a while now, and I would like to bring it up to this 
> discussion list.
> I would like to have an LTSP server that ONLY serves fat clients, and ONLY 
> provides the tftp and chroot services. No dhcp service, no user service, I 
> would like to add users from LDAP(only a root user in chroot), and I would 
> like these users to get their home dirs from nfs. Swap perhaps also on nfs, 
> or perhaps on a small local ssd. No routing pass-through the server, but 
> strait to the gateway that provides the dhcp services.
> What kind of difficulties would I encounter here...? Someone like to 
> elaborate or continue...?
> Why would I like it like this? In my opinion the fat client environment have 
> many problems. One is the problem that there is no user, and another one is 
> that the user is on the server. There are other problems like sound as well. 
> LTSP is also very complex, too complex...IMHO.
> I run my LTSP server environment as a KVM virtual machine(right now edubuntu) 
> on Illumos/ZFS, and I already got a lot of services in there on 
> Illumos/OmniOS, as nfs, dhcp, dns, ldap, etc. I don't need and want 
> duplications in the LTSP environment as well. I just want LTSP to be able to 
> provide a chroot environment served by tftp, and beeing able to build and 
> update the images. Lean and clean virtual machine(heh-he, rhyme)...
> Best regards from/Med vänliga hälsningar från
> Johan Kragsterman
> Capvert

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