> We keep the enable-event command as it is. However, we enhance the event name
> specification syntax somewhat. We could of course do a full regex matching, 
> but I
> fear that would get too slow.  Instead we'd have something like
> $ lttng enable-event -u "*!mine*!alsomine"
> This would enable any event ('*'), except those who match with mine* or 
> alsomine.
> The matching logic would separate the name specification into parts, using the
> ! character as a separator. If the new event name matches the first part but 
> does
> not match any of the latter parts, then the event gets enabled.

   Simple enough.

> I don't like collating the event enablers into unified specifications. I'd 
> like to have
> each enable-event command create its own entries into the enabler list. I 
> feel a
> bit uneasy if the event enabler code gets too sophisticated.
> I'm still unsure how the disable-event command should work. I'm playing around
> with the idea that the event specification in the disable-event command should
> exactly match the event specification given in the enable-event command. It
> does not feel good, but any solution around it seems to bring about the ideas
> about disable-lists which I would like to avoid.
> JP Ikaheimonen | SW Development Engineer http://go.mentor.com/sourceryanalyzer

   We could do without a separate disabling list if you stick to the ! 
notation.  But some unification processing would need to be done.  For example 
(showing desirable user feedback):

$ lttng enable-event -u --all
All UST events are enabled (channel channel0, session session)
$ lttng list session
    Enabled Events:
      * (type: tracepoint)
$ lttng disable-event -u "mine*"
UST event mine* disabled (channel channel0, session session)
$ lttng list session
    Enabled Events:
      *!mine* (type: tracepoint)
$ lttng enable-event -u "min*"
UST event min* enabled (channel channel0, session session)
Exception removed from UST event * (channel channel0, session session)
$ lttng list session
    Enabled Events:
      * (type: tracepoint)
$ lttng disable-event -u "mine*"
UST event mine* disabled (channel channel0, session session)
Exception added to UST events (channel channel0, session session)
$ lttng list session
    Enabled Events:
      *!mine* (type: tracepoint)
$ lttng enable-event -u "miner*"
UST event miner* enabled (channel channel0, session session)
$ lttng list session
    Enabled Events:
      *!mine* (type: tracepoint)
      miner* (type: tracepoint)

   Note that the display uses "Enabled Events:" and drops the per-line 
"[enabled]" since "[disabled]" can never happen in this scheme.  (So-called 
Prussian approach: everything not expressly permitted is forbidden)

   The feedback for '$ lttng disable-event -u "mine*"' reads 'Exception added 
to UST events ...' because multiple exceptions could be added and we don't want 
the feedback to get too cluttered.

   In the last case ($ lttng enable-event -u "miner*"), assuming identifiers 
can use a..z, A..Z, 0..9 and _, we could have unified into something like:

$ lttng list session
    Enabled Events:
      *!mina*!minb*!minc*!mind*!minf*!ming*!minh*... (type: tracepoint) 

   But that would generate a huge enabling specification line (1+6*(25+26+10+1) 
= 373 characters) which is not very user-friendly.  Keeping two rules (ORed 
together, remember) is cleaner (and would be processed faster).

   Further use-case:

$ lttng list session
    Enabled Events:
$ lttng disable-event -u "mine*"
Error: Event mine*: UST event not enabled (channel channel0, session session), 
nothing to disable
Warning: Some command(s) went wrong
$ lttng list session
    Enabled Events:

   And using ! with disable-event:

$ lttng enable-event -u --all
All UST events are enabled (channel channel0, session session)
$ lttng list session
    Enabled Events:
      * (type: tracepoint)
$ lttng disable-event -u "mine*!miner*"
UST event mine* disabled (channel channel0, session session)
UST event miner* enabled (channel channel0, session session)
$ lttng list session
    Enabled Events:
      *!mine* (type: tracepoint)
      miner* (type: tracepoint)

$ lttng enable-event -u "miners*"
UST event miners* is enabled (channel channel0, session session)
$ lttng list session
    Enabled Events:
      miners* (type: tracepoint)
$ lttng disable-event -u "mine*!miner*"
Error: Event mine*!miner*: UST event to disable matches exception, nothing to 
disable (channel channel0, session session)
Warning: Some command(s) went wrong
$ lttng list session
    Enabled Events:
      miners* (type: tracepoint)

   Note that exceptions to the disable-event argument serve only to maintain 
existing enablements: disable-event a!b is not the same as disable-event a 
followed by enable-event b.  It should be read as "disable event a but do not 
disable event b" (not disabling an event is not the same as enabling it).

$ lttng list session
    Enabled Events:
      miners* (type: tracepoint)
$ lttng disable-event -u "mine*!min*"
Error: Event mine*!min*: Exception matches condition, nothing to disable 
(channel channel0, session session)
Warning: Some command(s) went wrong

   With filters, the filter field would remain attached to the rule and nothing 
else would change.  (Note that currently 'lttng list' cannot display the 
filters that have been set so far)  Filters are also Prussian: of their three 
logical states (true, false, unknown), only the true state allows the event to 
pass (unknown occurs if any part of the filter fails to bind to the event's 
fields and context).

$ lttng enable-event -u provider:event --filter "intfield > 500"
Filter 'intfield > 500' successfully set for UST event provider:event (channel 
channel0, session session)
$ lttng list session
    Enabled Events:
      provider:event (type: tracepoint) [with filter 'intfield > 500']
$ lttng enable-event -u --all
All UST events are enabled (channel channel0, session session)
$ lttng list session
    Enabled Events:
      * (type: tracepoint)

   I think processing the list of rules is a must because it shows the user 
precisely and concisely what is going to happen during his session.  Right now, 
you can get a messy listing like this:

$ lttng list session
      sample:event (type: tracepoint) [disabled]
      sample:event (type: tracepoint) [disabled] [with filter]
      sample:ev* (type: tracepoint) [enabled] [with filter]
      * (type: tracepoint) [enabled]

   The user can't figure out what is enabled and what is disabled unless he 
remembers the rules are all ORed together.  He'll mentally boil the set of 
rules down to just "* [enabled]", but a nasty suspicion will remain regarding 
all those remaining disregarded rules.  Processing the list of rules to its 
simplest expression at the time enable-event/disable-event is issued also saves 
processing later -whenever the daemon needs to figure out whether a newly 
registered event should be traced or not- because it'll have fewer rules to try 

Daniel U. Thibault
Protection des systèmes et contremesures (PSC) | Systems Protection & 
Countermeasures (SPC)
Cyber sécurité pour les missions essentielles (CME) | Mission Critical Cyber 
Security (MCCS)
R & D pour la défense Canada - Valcartier (RDDC Valcartier) | Defence R&D 
Canada - Valcartier (DRDC Valcartier)
2459 route de la Bravoure
Québec QC  G3J 1X5
Vox : (418) 844-4000 x4245
Fax : (418) 844-4538
NAC : 918V QSDJ <http://www.travelgis.com/map.asp?addr=918V%20QSDJ>
Gouvernement du Canada | Government of Canada

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