On 16 September 2013 17:21, Thijs Schreijer <th...@thijsschreijer.nl> wrote:
> Hisham,
> Attached a rockspec for the date library originally by Jas Latrix. I tried
> to contact him, never got a response, so I went ahead and updated his
> library for 5.2 support. I had done this work before, just got triggered by
> Steve s message (that it went unmaintained) to pick it up, test and release
> it.
> My repo is located on GitHub, includes previous releases and all my updates
> [1]
> I hope this is fine, otherwise please let me know how to proceed

Well, we don't have a standard procedure for situations like this, but
I think this is fine, and if the original maintainer shows up we
should be able to resolve this.

I uploaded your rockspec -- just had to fix the dependency syntax
because "lua == 5.1, 5.2" parses as "lua == 5.1 and lua == 5.2", so I
changed it to "lua >= 5.1, <= 5.2".


-- Hisham

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