
A quick update on the 2.2.0 release cycle:

Last week we updated mirrors to point to the new MoonRocks
infrastructure. As of now, http://luarocks.org/repositories/rocks/ is
a mirror to MoonRocks, so everyone, even on older LuaRocks releases,
is using MoonRocks.

Leaf also made various updates to the MoonRocks site (which is looking
better every day!), including enabling https. To get this working
smoothly, we need to get https support coded into the `luarocks
upload` command (and support through the wget and curl backends), but
I'll be able to work on this only later this week (if anyone beats me
to it, patches are most welcome).

We also had a report wrt compiler detection in the latest FreeBSD so
I'll try to squeeze a conservative fix for that in (taking care to
avoid producing regressions).

The plan now, then, is to have a beta2 later this week and the final
2.2.0 a couple of days later. Or sooner, if the stars align!

-- Hisham

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