On 10 June 2014 15:18, Ryan Pusztai <rpusz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I hope this is not known, but I am writting a new rockspec and created a
> "release"/tag on GitHub named 'v2.0' and added it in my rockspec as
> `source.tag="v2.0"` and I get this as an error:
> ```
> $ luarocks pack luaunit-2.0-1.rockspec
> Cloning into 'luaunit'...
> fatal: remote error:
> Error: Failed cloning git repository.
> ```
> Should I be able to use 'v2.0' as the `source.tag`?

Strange, "v2.0" should be valid, I'm pretty sure other rockspecs use
dots in tags. Are you sure the tag is the source of your problem?

-- Hisham

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