miktex has updated to luatex 1.06.2 and now synctec fails. sumatra reports that there are no synchronisation data available.
It still works in texlive 2017 and so I compared the two synctex fails and imho the problem is that the link to the main tex file is missing at the start: The synctex files refers to a lot positions in input 0 but the file list starts with Input:1:D:/MiKTeX2.9/tex/latex/base/article.cls I added before this line Input:0:G:/Z-Test/./test-utf8.tex and then synchronization worked again. Imho this is a luatex bug. Side remark: The texlive synctex of luatex 1.04 starts with number 1 and not 0 Input:1:G:/Z-Test/./test-utf8.tex This looks as if the numbering scheme has been changed and could be the reason why the reference to file 0 is lost. -- Ulrike Fischer http://www.troubleshooting-tex.de/