Am 21. Januar 2018 01:26:48 MEZ schrieb "Br. Samuel Springuel" 
>On 1/20/18 7:00 PM, Reinhard Kotucha wrote:
>> I can't imagine that anybody in the world wants to typeset
>> Beethoven's 9th Symphony with a sans-serif or typewriter font.
>Probably not, but there are people who want to typeset Jazz lead sheets
>with a sans font that makes the whole thing look handwritten:
>And I'm sure if you poked around enough, some one would want to do
>something with a typewriter font too.  There are people out there with
>all kinds of needs/wants/tastes.

Of course, but that's beside the point as of course you *can* use any font in 
LilyPond.  But there are no finer options such as detailed implicit selection 
of font weights, optical sizes (although it does so for notation font!), 
openType features. But even worse, there's really no useful paragraph 
formatting. Paragraphs are as ugly as when you disable hyphenation in 

Developers are of course aware of this and are not happy about it, but there 
simply is no capacity to do anything about it.


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