I didn't get any response from my first mail about TL2018 dvilualatex checksum warnings so I'm writing again. I get a lot of warnings about "checksum mismatch in font .... ignored" with dvilualatex on Windows platform. But dviluatex says nothing about it. With TL2016 there wasn't that problem.


1) with dvilualatex "checksum mismatch in font pcrr8t.vf ignored":
\font\myfont=pcrr8t at 8pt
\myfont abc

This is LuaTeX, Version 1.07.0 (TeX Live 2018/W32TeX) (format=dvilualatex 2018.6.5)  29 JUN 2018 09:08
 restricted system commands enabled.
*checksum mismatch in font pcrr8t.vf ignored *
No file sample2.aux.

1) with dviluatex everything is fine:
\font\myfont=pcrr8t at 8pt
\myfont abc

This is LuaTeX, Version 1.07.0 (TeX Live 2018/W32TeX) (format=dviluatex 2018.6.5)  29 JUN 2018 09:08
 restricted system commands enabled.
(./sample.tex [1])
Output written on sample.dvi (1 page, 248 bytes).

I've attached example files with fonts.
Can someone fix it?


<<attachment: checksum.zip>>

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