On 7/21/2018 11:24 AM, Javier Bezos wrote:
Still struggling, after several months, with Arabic fonts :-(.
This is the only thing I need to release a new babel with support
for Arabic, but I'm stuck.
> I'll send Ulrike something to test.
afaik arabic works ok in context (i'd have gotten complaints from users
otherwise) so maybe you don't enable the right features
With the patched function (added to a fontloader from 2017-12-12)
the output of both examples looks ok (that means that the paragraphs
are identical, I have no idea if they are correct ;-))
Please, could you post the fix here or send it to me?
Be aware that Ulrike takes recent version from the context distribution
so it might not be a drop in for texlive.
By the way, I've attempted to use the context loader with:
fontloader = context;
with 'context' being ... actually the generic fontloader uses the fact
that 'context' is undefined but i assume that it never was an issue in
the wrapped code
in luaotfload.conf and with the help pf fontloader-luaotfload,
but it doesn't work, with the error:
luaotfload | db : Reload initiated (formats: otf,ttf,ttc); reason: "File
not found: lmroman10-regular.".(load luc: C:/Aplica
! Font \TU/lmr/m/n/10=[lmroman10-regular]:+tlig; at 10pt not loadable:
metric d
ata not found or bad.
A fix for this error would be also most welcome. The following
loads the fonts, but Arabic is still buggy:
fontloader = fontloader-reference-2017-08-18.lua;
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