On Sun, 30 Sep 2018 at 15:23, Ulrike Fischer <lua...@nililand.de> wrote:

> I tried on a windows 10 laptop
> \documentclass{article}
> \begin{document}%
> \directlua{
> a = img.write({ filename = "cöw.pdf"})
> }
> \end{document}
> It works with miktex (luatex 1.07) but fails with texlive (1.07 +
> 1.09).
> You could ask on the texlive list, but imho it would be better to
> avoid such names. The majority of crashes I saw in last years was
> connected to non-ascii in graphics and other files.

Ulrike's example also works in cygwin texlive 2018 on windows

It also works if you use the short name (as returned by dir /x cöw.pdf )

a = img.write({ filename = "CW9463\string~1.PDF"})

I don't have the native windows version to test.


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