Two questions for ye of great technical savvy....

1) RE: USB hubs - is USB really a "bus" in the electrical sense of
the word, as in does it really matter what kind of hub I use to
expand it, and can they be daisy-chained to create additional hubs if

I only have 2 ports on the machine I'm using now, and plugging in and
un-plugging things is getting annoying at times. I wanted to get a 4
or 6 port hub. Also, any feedback as to good or bad brands would be

2) Is there any practical limit for archival life of CD-R's? I was
thinking of scanning some of my personal records and putting it on
CD-R for reasons of space (copies of statements, bills, etc., for tax
purposes and so forth). Are CD-R's and CD-RW's "good" forever once
you get a good copy burned, or do they suffer from deterioration, and
if so, after how long? I figure if I can count of 20+ years, I'm
probably good to go, but I wonder if there is any info on that

Oh, incidentally, anybody know if I have scanned copies of tax
receipts and such if they would be laughed off in the even of an IRS
audit or some such?



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