> I want to have XP, Red Hat and Mandrake on it.
I have successfully used XP with Slackware by doing approximately the following:
run liloconf and install lilo into the first sector of your linux partition.
then run dd if=/dev/hda2 of=/tmp/lunix.boot bs=512 count=1 (replace hdax with whatever partition you have linux installed on)
then copy /tmp/lunix.bin to your XP c:\
then edit c:\boot.ini and add a line like this:
here's an example:
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="M$ Winblows XP" /fastdetect
when u reboot u should have a choice of booting into linux or XP and.. well, hope it works.
if you give this a go let me know how it goes, I'll double check the setup.

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