On Mon, 2002-06-03 at 21:20, Joel wrote:
> I have an Epson, not a Sony, but get my pictures from it frequently.
> You'll need the usb-storage module (probably already included in your 
> distribution): as root, modprobe usb-storage
> USB storage devices (and Firewire storage devices) show up as a SCSI disk 
> device; they frequently have a vfat filesystem (if you can access the camera 
> as a drive in Windows Explorer, it *does* have a vfat filesystem). I have a 
> hard drive on /dev/sda1, so my /etc/fstab entry is:
> /dev/sdb1 /mnt/pix vfat  user,sync,notail 0 0
Cool! it works! thanks! Now I don't need to boot into windows just to
download my pictures. Thanks!!


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