Thursday (June 6th) is a very important meeting where we will be
discussing Linux for Hawaii's private and public schools.  I will be going
over details about LTSP technology, and our role in supporting the
promotion, growth and maintenance of Linux usage in Hawaii Education.

If you have contacts at any school systems, please invite them to this
so that they can learn about the possibilities for their school.  The
mention of "$3,500 for 25 desktop computers." should pique their interest.

Further information below:

Seminar: Linux Services and Thin Clients for Schools

 Date: Thursday, June 6th, 2002
 Time: 5:00pm - 7:00pm
 Food: RSVP if you want to order $5 pizza and soda.

 Location: Mid-Pacific Institute KCC3 Linux Thin Client Lab
 Map and Driving Directions

At this seminar Warren Togami will talk about the what Linux and Open Source
Software can do for Hawaii's public and private schools.  He will be going
over technical aspects of how LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project) thin clients work, as well as other Linux capabilities
that may benefit Hawaii Education.

This seminar is targetted to Educators, System Administrators, Linux
community and interested students looking for IT related community service

The topics of this seminar include:
#What are Linux Thin Clients?
#Success stories elsewhere in the world
#* Largo Florida county workers
#* Riverdale county California
#* 16 labs in Northwest USA
#* 1 million LTSP thin clients in Korea
#LTSP for Schools Overview
#* Software available
#* Hardware and labor requirements
#* How does it work?
#* Long term Maintenance and Upgrades cost (or lack thereof)
#Other Linux servers for schools
#* Firewall, File & Print server, Mail, Web, etc.
#Support services
#* Community commitment (Hawaii Linux Community)
#* Commercial support (Red Hat, HP, IBM, etc.)
#Planning October 2002 Linux for Education Technology Conference at Computer
Expo 2002
#* Guest speakers from Riverdale California and/or Red Hat

Please RSVP e-mail Warren Togami [EMAIL PROTECTED] with subject "LINUX
SEMINAR 10" if you plan on coming.  Please let me know if you want us to
order pizza and soda for you for $5.

 Warren Togami
 Mid-Pacific Linux User's Group
 University of Hawaii ICS Club

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