Aloha all,
I finally got RH7.3 up and working. It took a while to configure the correct network settings but I figured it out. Matter of fact this is coming from Mozilla Mail. :) I still have a few things to work on. 1.) I currently have to boot frfom a floppy. I am using GRUB. I have it loaded to the boot sector of the linuc part and not the MBR. XP is on the other part and works as normal. Is there a way to change the bootloader after the fact? Also there is the issue of the boot being above the 1023 cylinder. What was the change needed to make this work again? If I can get that working then I will use XP's boot and follow Micheal's advice and set XP up to do it or GRUB as Ray suggested. 2.) Setting up ISP sharing. I am not sure if it works yet. I am going to try it in a while but if anyone has advice or a link, please share.

Thanks all for the wonderful advice,

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