Your best bet if monitors are "unsupported" is to start tweaking your XF86Config by hand.

XFree86 -configure (at the command line as root) will get you one to start with usually by attempting to detect everything about your system related to graphics. Usually it does a fine job of getting things detected and set up using PnP. If you have a card with proprietary drivers (ahem, nVidia) you will have to mess with those by hand of course, but it often gets the monitor settings correct.

Sometiems you'll need to tell it the Horizontal and Vertical rates by hand, but not always. This info is almost always available in your manual (if you bought your monitor separately) or from the manufacturer (last resort, some monitors sold in computer bundles don't have the info in their manuals, like my Dell).

I find that most hardware listed as "unsupported" really means "we can't detect it very easily without breaking other autodetection mechanisms so we don't support it". Usually with a little hand configuration almost any card/monitor combo can at least be made to do [EMAIL PROTECTED] colors, usually better.


Charles Lockhart wrote:
Haven't bought one yet, probably will wait until the beginning of August.
I've got two monitors right now, a 21" ViewSonic and a 21" Sun.  I've
never been able to get the color/brightness/whatever settings on the Sun
quite to my liking, and they both take too much desk space.  I'm hoping
to buy an 18-19" lcd, looking at the NEC-Mitsubishi multi-sync LCD2010
(20"), the Viewsonic VX900 (19"), or the Samsung SyncMaster 181T (18").
Kind of depends on what other equipment and books I might need to buy over
the next year.
Any advice regarding these, or any other LCD on Linux?


On Sat, 8 Jun 2002, S Chouinard wrote:

A delayed reaction... sorry for the late reply.

Yes, I have an older IBM T74A, and it is not in the HCL. I'm running RH 7.3
with KDE. I tried setting up the horizontal and vertical refresh rates
myself, it looked pretty good, other than the fact that the left side of the
screen has some blank space. If I adjust it, it won't look right in W2k,
which I use quite often. I tried using the Generic Monitor setting that
Warren suggested, but have the same problem, still.

Did you get the monitor? Have you encountered any problems, if so, have you
fixed them?

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