The UnitedLinux Dark Horse: Conectiva
Who Are They, And What Do They Bring to the Table?

If you watch Linux-related news, then for the last few weeks it's been
hard to do anything without running into pronouncements about
UnitedLinux. UnitedLinux is certainly a curious beast, a kind of
Tuxed-out Cerberus with four heads, where more might sprout out at any
moment. Let's move through some of the hype and guesswork and take a
look at one of the lesser-known heads--at least, lesser-known in
English-speaking Linux markets.

Conectiva is a Latin American Linux distribution from Brazil that aims
primarily at the Spanish and Portuguese speaking audience. If you've
taken a close look at the UnitedLinux partners, you'll notice that this
project is definitely a worldwide effort, with distributions
specializing in a variety of languages and geographical areas (SuSE is
ultimately a German distribution, and TurboLinux focuses heavily on the
Asian market).

Let's take a look at what Conectiva brings to the effort, and hopes to
get out of it.

(continued in article)

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