I think most of the reviews of the article I read through on /. felt that this was a negative viewpoint, but I didn't think that way at all. Obviously linux hype is down a lot from a couple of years ago, but that's pretty much how everything has gone. But the numbers of companies that are "using or testing Linux" seemed pretty good, as did their quote "Linux used to be just a bunch of geeks trying to change the industry," said Elizabeth Phillips, a Hewlett-Packard spokesperson. "Now Linux is becoming more mainstream every day." and several other complimentary things. The few things I really didn't go for were the dumbass linux consultant's quote ""It's for geeks," said Faber Fedor, a New Jersey-based consultant who helps small businesses upgrade to Linux.", which really isn't helpful, and their statement that until recently Linux was almost entirely text driven (I guess it depends on what they mean by recently...). Maybe I'm just feeling optomistic today... -Charles