I have been running SquidGuard and Dansguardian successfully.  The level of
filtering is customizable.  Having tried the alternative of running
filtering software on each client and paying licenses, the Squidguard
approach is very attractive.
The Children's Internet Protection Act requires that schools and libraries
establish filtering of inappropriate material (I'm not sure about the exact
language of the law) if the school or library wants to qualify for E-Rate
pricing (among other things).

----- Original Message -----
From: "Warren Togami" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 11:10 PM
Subject: [luau] Filter the Web with SquidGuard

> We don't like censorship, but unfortunately it is mandated for K-12
> and libraries by Federal law.  Until that law is repealed, we are forced
> either pay companies that are secretive about their blacklists, or use an
> open source alternative like squidGuard.  This article talks about
> squidGuard installation and configuration.
> http://networking.earthweb.com/netos/article/0,,12083_1371241,00.html
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