Mike Ballon wrote:

To those that don't know me Aloha,
Nice to meet you.

to those that do how come nobody told me about the new list :P

Well, if you were a member of the old list, it was posted there.

The scipt below works fine a Linux box but I need it work on my Solairs 2.7
box.  Basically I just need a scipt that writes yesterday's date in the
format of yymmdd, thanks.

# used to test date

TODAY=`date +%y%m%d`
echo $TODAY
echo "---"
#Get day ago
YESTERDAY=$(date --date "1 day ago" +%y%m%d)
There are two things I see. $(...) is a bash construct I believe and not part of
any traditional bourne shell implementations (it's not POSIX or otherwised
standardized I don't think), so you should use backticks like you did for TODAY=... on the line that starts YESTERDAY=... The other thing I see is --date is a GNU style option. Solaris uses BSD-based tools, by default, so --date won't work. I just checked the man page on uhunix2 and there doesn't appear to be any comparable option, so you should either install GNU's sh-utils, or write a small C program to do what you want. If you decide to go with writing the C program and you need help,
just ask.

Another option would be perl (if you have it installed)...

--Ray Strode

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