MonMotha wrote:

al plant wrote:

Hi Mon,

You might try Solaris 8 ( It is given away free.)  or what about FreeBSD
I have got that to run on all kinds of boxes. I use FreeBSD 4.5 which is

I don't think Solaris 8 will run on it (and I thought it was only free for x86?). Even if it would, it would be hellishly slow (only a 40MHz proc after all). I personally don't like FreeBSD, but I'm OK with the other BSDs.

Anyway, it turns out that the 2.1GB HDD is physically bad (it does sound like an angle grinder after all...), so I'll have to put the old 400MB one back in for now, and I want to keep RH5.2 on it. Anyway, RH should at least run better with 52MB of RAM instead of 16.


LUAU mailing list

When your talking about Solaris 8 or FreeBSD 4.5, what is the real practical purpose of learning to use those when they are so outdated? It must just be a hobby and not for learning
to use for business.

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