
   Home Depot is where I get all my cable and wall plugs and stuff like
that.  They have crimp  tools and I think testers (I own crimp tools and
borrowed a tester).  I recently wired up an office with 8 RJ-45 outlets, 8
RJ-11, and 8 Coax.  Cat5e and RG6.  It cost just under $400.

Graybar over in Mapunapuna has everything you could ever want.  Some of
their prices are better than home depot and they have a lot of speciality


> I want to wire my house with cat5 cable going to RJ45 jacks in several
> rooms of my house.  Does anyone have any recommendations of where I
> should buy the following:
> Box of Cat5 cable
> Box of Cat5 cord
> high quality crimping tool
> high quality tester with remote
> RJ45 ends
> RJ45 jacks
> Thanks,
> Warren
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