On Friday 26 July 2002 01:07, you wrote:
> Open Source Software advocate Bruce Perens plans to violate the DMCA on
> stage at the O'Reilly Open Source Convention in San Diego on Friday.  While
> he will be breaking the law, he probably wont be arrested because of his
> high profile status.  There would be a high likelihood that he would win
> the court battle (after appeals) and thus set a precedent invalidating the
> DMCA in the Supreme Court.
> Last year Russian programmer Dmitri Skylarov was arrested while visiting
> America for writing software in Russia that is legal under Russian law.
> Adobe took offense to his actions and had him arrested under the DMCA.  He
> was arrested mainly because those in power thought that the American public
> wouldn't be outraged because he is a foreign Russian (lingering Cold War
> anger) hacker (evil person who breaks into computers).
> Ironically, if Bruce Perens is NOT arrested after this announced DMCA
> violation does this not clearly show that America is the land of selective
> prosection based upon your economic and social status?

   HERE, HERE!  Totally agree with that!

> http://www.infoworld.com/articles/hn/xml/02/07/23/020723hnperens.xml
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