> What kind of cable modem you got (don't need any serial numbers or
> anything, just a manufacturer and model number if possible, possibly a
> physical description of the casing)?

It's a Toshiba PCX2500. Seems to be the standard modem that Oceanic Cable uses.

----- Original Message -----
From: "MonMotha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 15:29
Subject: Re: [luau] Re: Configuring Router

> > Oh, the reason for my packet loss has been acknowledged by RR (after I 
> > practically spammed them with connection logs) as a
> > in the area, although when I called at first they said noone else is 
> > experiencing problems. I think they just acknowledged it as
> > area problem so they could say they're working on it and get me off their 
> > backs :/  It's been almost 2 months and I still have
> > open trouble ticket, though the frequency of this problem reduced somewhat. 
> > There isn't really anything I can do about it
> > to them).
> >
> > As for that Wiki, I think it would be a most interesting reading! Warren: 
> > How about it?
> >
> What kind of cable modem you got (don't need any serial numbers or
> anything, just a manufacturer and model number if possible, possibly a
> physical description of the casing)?
> --MonMotha
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