Initially I was a little surprised to see that Microsoft might have indeed shown a change of heart to provide a long awaited but unexpected (b/c it has moved to Windows XP) service pack for Windows 2000. But then I was alerted to the following term:

"You acknowledge and agree that Microsoft may automatically check the version of the OS Product and/or its components that you are utilizing."

Legally speaking, the word "may" has a very definitive meaning: permission. It is not totally inconceivable that this permission may give Microsoft a basis to go to the court and petition for an TRO to shut down your business if you don't allow them to search your computers. Whether that petition will be granted is another issue. But a basis for harrassment, nevertheless.

Of course, I believe the language of the consent means that such a permission is given only during the installation of the service pack. But it could have been written in a much less vague manner.

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