I just off the phone with Julie (3:56pm Monday August 5) from Price Busters. She is asking that we all meet in person (meaning yourself, Scott, me, Julie and Robert) prior to "cleaning" so that we are clear as to what in the room is LTSP equipment and what is Price Busters equipment, and to start this partnership off on the right foot. She said that you were going to call back to confirm a time when you would be doing this cleaning. She was unaware of your intentions to go there today at 6:30 pm today. Please accomodate our new "mini-warehouse" managers and meet with all of us at a time convinient to all of us. Julie and Robert will not be there today at 6:30, so let's arrange for some time tomorrow or the next day. 4 hours notice was simply not enough time, as we all have schedules to adhere to. I appreciate your zeal, and I am glad that we have volunteers as eager to press this project forward. I want this relationship with Price Busters to be a firm, lasting one, however, and want Julie and Robert, not to mention the company's owner to embrace the relationship as well. We do not want to step on toes. Let's all get together first.


Brian Low wrote:

Aloha all,
  I just got off the phone with Julie from PriceBusters.  She said that we
can start the cleanup and inventory of equipment between the hours of 9:00AM
to 8:00PM.  The store closes at 9:00PM.  She requested that we give the
store an hour to close up.  She does have 2 pallets setup just outside the
room for the monitors to be moved from MidPacific to PriceBusters.  I will
be going down this evening at about 6:30PM to get started on the cleanup.
Please do remember that when you get to PriceBusters, you need to check in
with a manager and they will escort you to the storage room.  Also, if you
are carrying a bag, it is normal procedure from PriceBusters, that they will
check your bag before you leave the store.  This is not a special rule just
for us.  They do this will all vendors and associates of the store.  If you
will be coming down please let me know by replying to this e-mail.

Thanks for your time and efforts (especially Julie Plant and Al Plant :)


Brian Low
1515 Nuuanu Ave. #555
Honolulu, HI 96817
(808) 371-3571

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