>Tuesday night I hope we can transport the monitors from Mid-Pacific to
>Pricebusters for storage.  Classes start at Mid-Pacific very soon, so we
>need to clear out that classroom ASAP.
>I will be at the Mid-Pacific Tech Lab at 5:45pm Tuesday night.  We will
>need two or more cars for moving monitors from different locations on
>campus then directly to Pricebusters.  Perhaps 50 monitors will need to
>be transported to Pricebusters, not including 15 that Wilson Chan will
>take to St. John school tomorrow night.
>We will also need extra people to help load monitors into cars at
>Mid-Pac, and people to quickly unload monitors at Pricebusters.
>Should we deliver the broken monitors to Royal Data another day?  Can
>someone please call him and ask if he wants 20+ monitors ranging from
>broken, blurry, fuzzy or dim.
>Scott, could you please work this out with Pricebusters?  Perhaps for
>arrival around between 7:15-8:00pm.  If this cannot work for
>Pricebusters Tuesday night, please let the list know before 3pm Tuesday
>afternoon so we can reschedule.
>Could someone also post the street address, map & driving directions to
>LUAU mailing list

If you guys decide to do it another day, I can help youtransport them, I have
a pick up truck that can probably hold all the monitors, unfortunatelly I'll
be a little busy on Tuesday night but if you decide to do it maybe Wednesday
I'll be available after 6:00PM
please let me know if I can be of any help to you guys.
you can call me at 384-6846


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