Thanks Dan and Warren and others for the help. I did find the mirror, downloaded the images and the sums checked out, now burning. But based on myexperience yesterday of trying an old copy of 7.2 I am kind of worried. Not very intuitive, especially if you are used to Mdk. If I did not read Warren's review, I would have no clue that the S3 Savage Pro+ was the way to go. Also, I chose Grub (RH seemed to want it that way); when it rebooted, no sign of WinXP!! I could only boot into RH. I suppose I missed some option. Anyway, I went in, tried sndconfig, did not work, tried some other config and it froze like concrete. So I reinstalled Mdk 8.2, was glad to see the LILO screen and WinXP (which it calls NT, I guess because of the filesystem). I will try the 7.3, perhaps tonight, but probably select LILO. If anyone out there knows what I did wrong (to not have Win on boot screen), please let me know. Also, I gather from Warren, even if I get it all on and working, I will have to fetch upgrades (whcih?) to get sound working. Again thanks.

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