I am looking to pay someone to set up WebDAV on a Linux box for me.

The functionality desired is to allow users to drop files and folders into a
"web folder" on their desktop that will reside on my server.

Security would be important, each folder would need to be password
protected.  I need to be able to tell how much space an individual is using
at any given moment.

The flavor of Linux is of no great concern, only that the 2.4 kernel is
used.  The company need not be on Oahu, but the company should should be
available for further maintenance down the road.

I am willing to stumble down the road if someone is looking to make some
extra money but does not kow extactly how to acomplish it, of course I am
paying for results.

You can see some details at http://www.webdav.org/mod_dav/

Please let me know,

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