Attached message is the Squid 2.5 release announcement.  Squid is a
proxy server for multiple protocols.

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The squid development team are pleased to announce the release of squid
2.5 stable. Faster and more flexible than ever before, a copy can be
grabbed from your local mirror.

For details on the new features, please see the release notes (included
- The squid core team.


Squid 2.5 release notes
Squid Developers

This document contains the release notes for version 2.5 of Squid. Squid
is a WWW Cache application developed by the National Laboratory for
Applied Network Research and members of the Web Caching community.

1. Key changes from squid 2.4:

    * Major rewrite of proxy authentication to support other schemes
than basic. First in the line is NTLM support but others can easily be
added (minimal digest is present). See the Programmers Guide for the
internals. Thanks to the SAMBA team for some excellent collaboration on
the NTLM support! (Robert Collins & Francesco Chemolli)
    * Optimized searching in proxy_auth and ident ACL types. Squid
should now handle large access lists a lot more efficiently. (Francesco
    * Fixed forwarding/peer loop detection code (Brian Degenhardt) - now
a peer is ignored if it turns out to be us, rather than committing
    * Changed the internal URL code to obey appendDomain for internal
objects if it needs appending. This fixes weirdnesses where a machine
can think it is "", and "foo" is requested. (Brian
    * Added the use of Automake to create the's in the squid
source tree. This will allow libtool in the future, and immediately
allows better dependency tracking - with or without gcc - as well as the
dist-all and distcheck targets for developers which respectively build a
tar.gz and a tar.bz2 distribution, and check that what will be
distributed builds. (Robert Collins)
    * Added TOS and source address selection based on ACLs, written by
Roger Venning. This allows administrators to set the TOS precedence bits
and/or the source IP from a set of available IPs based upon some ACLs,
generally to map different users to different outgoing links and traffic
    * Added 'max-conn' option to 'cache_peer'
    * Added SSL gatewaying support, allowing Squid to act as a SSL
server in accelerator setups.
    * Many new authentication helpers.
    * no_cache now applies to cache hits as well as cache misses
    * the Gopher client in Squid has been significantly improved
    * Squid now sanity checks FTP data connections to ensure the
connection is from the requested server. Can be disabled if needed by
turning off the ftp_sanitycheck option.
    * external acl support. A mechanism where flexible ACL checks can be
driven by external helpers. See the external_acl_type and acl external
    * Countless other small things and fixes
    * HTML pages generated by Squid or CacheMgr as well as the ERR
documents now contain a doctype declaration so that browsers know which
HTML specification the document uses. In addition to that they have a
new look (background-color, font) and are valid according to the HTML
standards at (Clemens Löser)
    * Login and password send to Basic auth helpers is now URL escaped
to allow for spaces and other "odd" characters in logins and passwords
    * Proxy Authentication is no longer blindly forwarded to peer caches
if not used locally. If forwarding of proxy authentication is desired
then it must now be configured with the login=PASS cache_peer option.
    * Responses with Vary: in the header are now cached by squid.
(Henrik Nordstrom).
    * Support for openBSD pf interface in interception mode.
    * It is now possible to send complex arguments to helpers by quoting
the arguments by " and/or \

2. Changes to squid.conf


    Allows ip address specification.

    This is an option for use with SSL acceleration - it determines
where squid listens for SSL requests.

    This is used to handle some bugs in browsers that don't fully
support SSL.

    This has been removed - use the http_port line to specify ip

    login= has been extended to allow pass through authentication, fixed
password authentication and maximum connection limits.

    Directs squid to read in a set of name-address associations upon
startup and reconfiguration.

    Removed. See auth_param.

    This replaces the authenticate_program directive. It allows
configuration of multiple authentication helpers, one for each of the
supported authentication schemes. Such schemes include "NTLM", "Digest
(from RFC 2617)", and "Basic".

    This directive sets the garbage collection interval for the
authentication cache.

    This directive configures the new external ACL Helper interface.
VERY useful for authenticating by group membership - i.e. from an LDAP
server or NT domain.

    The default for this is now 0 - unlimited.

    Now multiple size limits are allowed based on ACL lists.

    The default is now blank - users must uncomment the suggested
default to use it. This allows the use of a blank refresh pattern if

    Raised the default to 5 minutes.

    New directive - how long to wait after a reply is completed before
closing the connection.

    New acl types

        * referer_regex (match Referer headers),
        * max_user_ip (limit concurrent IP's a single user may use)
        * rep_mime_type (filter replies based on their content type).
        * external (use an external helper)


    Limit HTTP replies based on ACL's. This is complementary to

    These three directives allow marking of outbound connections at the
IP level - i.e. for choosing routes based on the usercode.

    Allows mapping of requests onto specific outbound IP address's.

    Removed. See header_access.

    Allow granular filtering of HTTP headers.

    Replace specific headers with custom values.

    Now defaults to off for bandwidth management and access logging

    Enables a workaround for web servers that immediately expire Varied
objects because they think squid is unable to handle Vary:.

    Give the OS a small amount of time to accomodate the fork+exec used
to launch helpers - if squid has a lot of virtual memory allocated the
OS may run out of virtual memory during helper spawning otherwise.

    This has been removed - starting with Squid-2.4 this directive have
had no effect and has now been fully removed to avoid confusion.

    This has been removed - it is not referenced anywhere in the source

3. Known limitations

There is a few limitations to this version of Squid that we hope to
correct in a later release


    deny_info only works for http_access, not for the acls listen in

    The proxy authentication acl types only works in http_access and
partially in delay_access, not the other acl driven directives
(tcp_outoing_address, redirect_access, cache_peer_access, ...)


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