Alvin, if you can mount the drive you can copy the files from directory
to directory. Try the command 'mount //<name of machine>/<shared
directory> /mnt/fileservr -o <username>' substituting the names of your
servers and shared folder to wherever you want to mount it to on your
system. And of course you have made the smb password for your user using
the 'smbpasswd' command.

Hope that helps,


On Mon, 2002-10-21 at 00:25, Alvin Murphy wrote:
> I have recently abandoned RH 8.0 mainly because I could not get it to 
> configure and print pirnters either local or SMB; I am back on Mandrake 
> 9 which does very well at this task. Alas, I have not figured out how to 
> copy files from my win boxes to my lin boxes using smb:// in the file 
> manager (Konqueror or Nautilus); I cannot do this under Mandrake but did 
> very well in RH. Cannot figure out why.  I realize that no one may be 
> able to help me with this small amount of information but I do not know 
> what information to provide. I can connect to the other machines by 
> smbmount, but since this is a laptop, I would like to be able to copy 
> the files to carry with me. I suppose I will have to resort to zip 
> drives or similar. Thanks
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