My experience with Knoppix is nothing short of absolutely sensational. Booting time on my "ancient" Athlon 900 MHz notebook (from power-on to ready to do productive work) was less than one minute and half--faster than from the hard disk. Web browsing is faster than even using a much more powerful desktop. And the Japanese version of Knoppix also worked on my first try; the "shift-space" combo (to input Japanese characters) worked seemlessly in OO, KO, vi, etc.

Of course, the reason Knoppix is faster is because it was optimized for desktops. Knoppix is also structured to utilize your existing swap partition if you have Linux, or a DOS partition if you don't.

I have spent more time on Linux desktops than probably anyone on earth (that, of course, doesn't mean that I am good--which I definitely am not; but as I mentioned here before, I was the technical editor for the first book on Linux desktops--"WordPerfect 8 for Linux Bible"), and my recent experience with Knoppix is ranked among the most exciting adventures that I ever had.

Understandably, LUAU is not the right forum to discuss Knoppix; thus, I have set up a separate group called KnoppixHawaii to facilitate further discussions:

Because I don't really anticipate much activity, this forum, at the present time, is totally uncensored and unmoderated. If, however, we become lucky and our knowledge and experience should reach a certain level such that someone from our islands will be able to develop a business proposal, I will be more than happy to provide some seed money. As I mentioned to Warren, the entire work will have to be done under the GPL, so everyone will benefit. How to share your knowledge with other (so others will be willing to share theirs with you) while maintaining a technical niche, is something our previous generations didn't have to seriously face.

W. Wayne Liauh wrote:

MonMotha wrote:

If you guys ever need any help with this kind of stuff, I have a bit of experience working in tight quarters (fitting entire systems with kernel on floppy, 4MB flash, etc) as well as readonly filesystems.

Feel free to ask me at any time for suggestions, however keep in mind that I'm not very familiar with redhat.


Thanks. So far, Knoppix seems to be doing exactly what I had in mind (I really don't care whether it's red hat or white hat, as long as it does the job). I am also very excited to find out that there are a lot of interests in this distro in Japan. (I am downloading a Japanese version of Knoppix 3.1 as I type.)

The only thing I needed was to be able do a customization to install cjk locales along with a couple of commonly used programs that were not included in the original CD, then remasterize the customized distro into a new CD. Someone is already doing this at the Knoppix forum. But I will keep you offer in mind. :-)

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