----- Original Message -----
From: "Ray Strode" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: [luau] HOSEF Status

> > I propose that we have a Chief Officer, an Information Officer, and a
> > Technical Officer.  Please suggest otherwise.  The Trilug site is not
> > available now, but, I liked their arrangement as well.  I propose that
> > Warren Togami be the first CO for the rest of this year and next, that
> > Jimen Ching be the IO, and that Ray Strode be the TO.
> I appreciate the nomination, but I don't think it's something I would
> like to do (or be good at doing).
> Thanks tho.

Understood.  Thanks for the honesty.

> I think you would make a very good Technical Officer.  You know quite a
> bit about a lot of things, and you are always very polite and humble.

Very kind of you.  If no one wants to, I will do it all.  I really want this
to be something that any/all of you on this LUAU mailing list can take
ownership in.  Since I incorporated it, it seems somewhat self-serving to
appoint myself.  However, I will do what it takes to keep it going.


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