Aloha Everyone!

I just wanted to introduce myself as a new subscriber. I live in Kailua. I 
have been using Linux for about a year now (an OS/2 Warp convert). I am still 
in the "learning curve" so to speak.   I think I have finally settled into 
the flavor of Linux that feels the most comfortable with me, Suse 8.0.  I 
tried Corel, Redhat 5.1, Mandrake 8.0.  So far Suse has been the easiest for 
me so I'm going to stick with it.  

My reasons for changing to Linux from OS/2 are many.  I used OS/2 exclusively 
for my wife's business for about 8 years.  Some of her software vendors have 
decided that they will no longer develop in OS/2 or DOS base but will be 
looking into Linux development for thier applications.  Hopefully they will 
not wait and get right on it.  In the meantime, our business is being run on 
the "other" sorry excuse for an OS.  That will cost dearly the longer it 
drags out, I'm sure.

I am really impressd with Linux's stability.  It does match or even surpass 
that of OS/2.  

I hope that I don't ask too many stupid questions and hopefully will be able 
to contribute what I already know. Which isn't all that much, but some.  

Looking forward to learning from you guys & gals and contributing when I can.


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