Seminar: Introduction to Linux for Schools

 Date: Monday, December 30th, 2002
 Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
 Food: RSVP if you want to order $5 pizza and soda.

 Location: Mid-Pacific Institute KCC3 Linux Thin Client Lab
 Map and Driving Directions

At this seminar we will go over the ways in which Linux can benefit schools. We will begin to introduce the technical aspects of how LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project) thin clients are installed and configured. Attendees will be able to try Mid-Pac's own LTSP thin clients in production, upgraded to the latest Gnome2 environment. It is the hope of this and future sessions that more people will learn about the intricacies of LTSP so we have many community members available to support Linux in schools. If you can't make this session, don't worry, there will be many more. With the extreme cost savings and improved reliability of Linux, we have a huge opportunity to provide many computer labs to the State even during these weak economic times.

This seminar is targetted mainly to Educators and community volunteers.

The topics of this seminar include:
   1. Linux services for schools
          * Precendents of Linux success around the world
          * Firewall, File & Print server, Mail, Web, etc.
   2. LTSP installation and configuration
   3. Community involvement
4. The role of the new charity organization - Hawaii Open Source Education Foundation

Please RSVP e-mail Warren Togami at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with subject "LINUX SEMINAR 15" if you plan on coming. Please let me know if you want us to order pizza and soda for you for $5.

 Warren Togami
 Mid-Pacific Linux User's Group
 Hawaii Open Source Education Foundation

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