> I have 4 80GB western digital drives and I had to replace all 4 of them
> within 9 months of buying them.  They all failed with data unrecoverable,
> about every other month.  That sucked.  The new drives have been fine and
> Western Digital support was very good about rushing me a replacement drive
> before I sent back the bad one.

My 60GB Western Digital HD just died last night.  I booted up my box and dmesg 

/dev/ide/host0/bus0/target1/lun0: unknown partition table

Drats...  i had my custom neverwinter nights modules on there :(

Did you have similiar problems with your WD's (partition table corruption) - or 
did the drives degrade to the point where the BIOS wouldn't even recognize them?

take care,

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