Today Dusty, Rick Chavez, Ray Strode, Vince Hoang and I went to Mililani in order to work on the their Sun Ray server. We got started late due to the lane closures on H1 it was slow going at first due to the slow filesystem I/O on the server, but eventually got Solaris 9 u2 installed. Rick managed to get Solaris Volume Manager working mirroring the two main disks while we began installation of Sun Ray Server Software 1.3. We ran into some problems with Sun Ray Server installation due to some strange java issues.

Tomorrow we will need to get the following tasks done:
* Make Sun Ray Server work so thin clients can login
* Install Gnome2 and the multitudes of GNU tools to replace the incredibly poor Sun tools which nauseate me (or perhaps just busybox, it seems to do the job fine) * Install StarOffice 6.0 and make the default profiles so users don't have to go through the "Workstation Install" * Train teacher in management of accounts with Solaris System Manager (I think that's the name) * Hopefully install and get Mozilla working. I had problems with this yesterday. If anyone has Solaris 9 Sparc at home could you please help me by finding working Solaris 9 Mozilla builds, or perhaps building one yourself if you have the knowledge?

Before we left Mililani around 4:30pm we were able to SSH into the server from my house, but when we all got home it seems that SSH no longer can connect to the server. I susepct that something bad happened to the server after we left. We wont know what happened until tomorrow.

I've been up since 5:30am today, and tomorrow morning I need to go into Mid-Pac at 6:00am in order to make some final fixes to the LTSP lab and teach the Java programming class at 8:00am. I will probably arrive at Mililani around 10:00am. I'm totally exhausted and have a mild fever. I'm going to sleep soon.

I will have my cell phone again tomorrow. If you need to reach me call 479-6297.

Warren Togami

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