Mililani High School
Friday Dusty, Rick Chavez and I went into Mililani again while Ray Strode worked at home via SSH. Ray also prepared St. John's K12LTSP server for Saturday's installation. Dusty installed much GNU software while I banged my head on Sun Ray Server Software 1.3 for about 12 hours total (since Thursday afternoon). Configuration of Sun Ray Server Software 1.3 required Java 1.1 which wasn't installed in Solaris 9. I tried various versions of Java 1.1 JRE with no results.

The utadm and utconfig setup scripts are ugly shell scripts that call Java in various places to do various tasks. This is one example of where "eating your own dogfood" was definitely not a good idea for Sun. Anyway, around 4pm I finally figured out that Java 1.1 JDK was needed instead of the JRE. With that installed all Sun Ray thin clients came up within minutes.

Dusty had to leave soon after, but me and Rick proceeded to configure the desktop software. Installed StarOffice 6 update 2 and Rick created a script that automatically copies a StarOffice profile to all users as they login so they don't need to use the needlessly complicated "Workstation Install".

More desktop software tweaks and disk mirroring needs to be done, but the lab should be usable enough for students for now.

St. John the Baptist School
Saturday Ray Strode, Wilson Chan, Aaron (sorry forgot last name) and I went to St. John to complete their LTSP lab. Ray Strode brought the server that he had installed the day before. Getting the clients up was fairly quick, most of the time was used between me and Ray in configuring the default desktop profiles for Mozilla and StarOffice. We still need to figure out how to make default profiles for Gnome Panel.

When we left Wilson Chan was having difficulty configuring the network print server. I'm not sure what the status of this is now.

I personally am going into Mililani again Monday morning in order to do some final cleanups on their setup. Mid-Pac's LTSP lab still needs some fixup work too.

Warren Togami

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