On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 09:53:42AM -1000, Rodney Kanno wrote:
> There is an error message in the NMB log file, looks like it's
> all from one machine. I have attached the NMB log file and SMB
> log file..This stuff is foreign to me..so hopefully you can
> shed some light as to what is the cause. SMB and NMB is being
> started automatically during the boot-up process.

I am going to assume that[56] are known hosts in your
network. The logs seem to suggest that is trying to use
your box as a WINS server.

I have not seriously used Samba since 1.9, but I just configured
a system running 2.2 today, with 'security = user' and adding a
Windows password to Samba via smbpasswd.

Thinking back to your original message, I suspect nmbd is
actually running, but you do not have it configured properly for
browsing to work. Even on Windows to Windows, browsing is a pain.


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