                     I believe the Directors should resign and allow the
original LUAU creators to return and run it more proficiently.

I would say that fewer than  1% of all list emails fall into the category of
flames.  Sadly, these are generated by the name calling of Joe Linux and the
tauntings and teasings of Linuxdan.  Simply blocking these subscribers, or
ignoring their posts, will free you from the burden of the ensuing flames.
When good people get bent out of shape by their provocations, good people
lose.  When good people leave the list, we all lose.  We have all lost

The power of ignorance goes a long way here.  I do not mean stupidity,
either.  If a troll is not fed with our frustrations, a troll will find no
satisfaction here.  Let no one speak again of quitting.  This is not the
Let us just not speak of this, period.  We have too many important things to
do these days, and wasting resources on this is not worth it.

When a troll posts some flamebait, avoid stepping in it like you avoid dog
droppings.  The last thing we should do is encircle it like flies and start
the buzzing.  It smells too much.


LUAU mailing list

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