
Eric's comments on GET are great, although a little different from my own

Regarding GET out-of-state exemptions, "True, true." I've benefited from
them and I see at least one reason for them- to 'incentivize' bringing
mainland money here.

But I'd still argue for a full consultant GET exemption to make local-local
dealing bloom- for example language consultants providing translation
services to hotels would have more left to spend on local IT providers who
offer websites, who'd have more money to spend on local Linux consultants
who help setup services (of which a few are on this list).

But I'm also no economist, so let me stick what I know.  Thanks for noting
that language services are also a clean industry- we help people
communicate, much like network consultants do.  After attending today's
HALT/TESOL (Hawaii Language Teachers) conference- I'd like to note that we
are very tech oriented, for both distance education and local media lab
stuff.  (Perhaps Warren's work at Mid-Pac has been used by language

Just $0.02. 

Shameless plug:

Best wishes-
Rod G
Roderick A. Gammon, Ph.D.
- Specializing in Chinese Languages and Language Technology

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