On Fri, 28 Feb 2003, Charles Lockhart wrote:
>Ok, so I'm still trying to get network connectivity up on my machine.  I
>tried the latest installs of both Redhat and Mandrake, and I tried
>disabling the onboard lan connection (an SiS 900) via the bios, and just
>ran with the 3C900B-TPO card.  Still, nothing works.  Any other ideas, or
>am I just stuck?

I've been busy, so I've only skimmed the LUAU messages.  I believe you've
tried various device drivers, and distributions without luck.  But you
didn't mention the actual steps you've performed.  Without which, it's
hard to guess at the problem.  But I do remember you mentioning that
you're using RoadRunner.

My suggestion is to manually run dhcpcd and enable as much debug
information as possible.  Then look through the debug information to
determine whether dhcpcd successfully obtained an IP address and
configured the host networking stack.  If dhcpcd succeeds, then try to
ping the gateway.  You can find out the gateway IP number by looking into
/etc/dhcpc/dhcpcd-eth0.info.  If dhcpcd fails, then you need to figure out

If would help if you describe the steps you took to setup your network
configuration.  I.e. it would help if you used script/enscript to capture
everything at the console and email it to us.

The alternative is to bring your system to HOSEF tomorrow.  I'm sure
someone there would be able to help you.  Unfortunately, I'll be busy
tomorrow, so I can't be there.


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