> I thought we should do this for free, at first.  A wiser volunteer has 
> suggested we do differently.  The reasons are a)we need to raise funds to buy 
> the servers and hardware we want to give schools for the LTSP and b)people 
> will take the process more seriously if they have to take a personal stake 
> via funds.  The initial plan is that we offer the classes for $10 a class, or 
> $40 for the cycle.  One can attend any of the 4 at any time.  

For the people short on the cash flow (weak economy and all that ;) -- Are 
there ways to donate/volunteer "service" in exchange for tutoring in these 

Even something as formal as scholarships, maybe?

> For educators, and in particular, the Tech Coordinators, we want to give them 
> the computer that they use for the class and allow them to take it to their 
> school when we are done.  In doing so, we walk an individual through 12 hours 
> of orientation before we GIVE them the PC, monitor, and accessories to take 
> back to work.  We would do these sessions separately from the public 
> sessions.  This cycle of classes that include owning the PC would be $50.  
> Only $40 if they can bring their own computer, Pentium 200 and above.

Woot!  $50 for a decent computer + training.  sounds gravy.

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